
Repla Server

Repla for macOS can run and automatically refresh local web servers without a terminal.

Repla is available now as a public alpha.

Quick Tour


Repla Server supports most languages and frameworks, see more screenshots of Repla running various platforms.


  1. Always Refresh: Refreshes automatically every time a file changes (or when your build system finishes).
  2. Combined Browser and Terminal Window: Keep your browser and your terminal in one window, with your web app on the top, and the web server output on the bottom.
  3. Run Your Web App Just by Opening a File: Save your web app running as a file and launch it again later just by opening that file.

Use Cases

Repla Server works with most web development workflows, for example:


  • These features work immediately, with your existing web apps. No dependencies or other modifications to projects are required.
  • Refresh can either use file system events, to refresh on save, or look for a string in terminal output to refresh when your build system finishes.
  • Process environment inheritance is used to run your web server in Repla with the same environment as your shell, so it works seamlessly with tools like nvm and rvm.

Quickstart Guide

  1. Download and install Repla.
  2. Run the Repla app once to configure it.
  3. Run your local web server in Repla with repla server "<your web server command>".
  4. Repla Server will automatically refresh every time a file changes on disk, or add -r "<a string in the server command output>" flag to instead refresh when a string is output to the terminal.
  5. Select "File" -> "Save" from the menu (or use ⌘S) to save the currently running web app to a file.
  6. After closing the window, just open the file to run your web app again.

More Plugins Coming Soon

Repla Server is just the first plugin for Repla, here's a sneak peak of some more plugins coming soon.