
Repla Jekyll: Documentation

This page explains how to use the Repla Jekyll plugin to preview a Jekyll blog without needing to install Jekyll separately. If you already have a working Jekyll installation, and you just want to make your blog easier to run and automatically refresh, then you can with Repla Server.

Repla Jekyll supports the same Jekyll features as GitHub Pages. This means that if your blog has any Jekyll dependencies that don't work with GitHub Pages, then they won't work with Repla Jekyll either.

Quick Start

If you already understand the basics of Jekyll, and all want to know is how to run Repla Jekyll after you've downloaded and installed Repla: All you have to do to run Repla Jekyll is drag your Jekyll _config.yml to the Repla app icon. A preview of your Jekyll blog will open and it will automatically refresh when you make changes.

Starting a New Jekyll Blog on GitHub Pages

These steps describe how to setup a Jekyll blog from scratch that you can preview locally and then publish on GitHub Pages, without ever using the command line if you don't want to.

Step 1: Installing Repla

  1. Download Repla and install it by dragging it to your applications folder.
  2. Optional: If you don't want to use the command line at all, install GitHub Desktop.

Step 2: Choose a Theme

  1. Choose a theme from the list of themes supported by GitHub Pages.
  2. When you've chosen one, clone the repository for that theme, by following the directions for the command line, or for GitHub Desktop.

Step 3: Previewing Your Blog in Repla

  1. Once you've cloned a theme, you can preview your blog by dragging the _config.yml file from the cloned repository onto Repla's app icon.
  2. As you edit your blog's files, Repla will automatically refresh as you make changes. (The exception is the _config.yml file, if you make any changes to that file, you need to close the Repla window and re-open it to for those changes to take effect.)

Step 4: Publishing Your Blog on GitHub Pages

  1. If you don't already have one, then Create a GitHub account. Then create a repository for your blog by following the instructions for GitHub Pages.
  2. To publish your blog, you need to change the remote's URL of your clone of the theme repository to the URL of the repository you made on GitHub, by following the directions for the command line, or for GitHub Desktop
  3. When you're ready to publish your changes to GitHub Pages, all you need to do is push them to GitHub by following the directions for the command line, or for GitHub Desktop.